2025 Hall of Fame Nominations
Nominations for the Carolina Crown Hall of Fame Class of 2025 are now being accepted.
The Crown Hall of Fame consists of exceptional individuals within the Carolina Crown organization. These people have made lasting, meaningful impacts on the organization while going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure a bright and everlasting future for Carolina Crown. These individuals live up to our mission statement and have served with Integrity, Excellence, Respect, and Commitment to higher ideals. These esteemed individuals embody the spirit of Crown, and have been chosen and nominated by their peers.
Learn about the Nomination Process:
All TeamCROWN are invited to submit nominations for the Crown Hall of Fame. TeamCROWN is defined as anyone who is/was an active member, faculty, or support staff of Crown (this includes board, administration, drivers, volunteers, etc.). Nominees must be from TeamCROWN as defined above. Nominees shall have made a significant contribution to the progress of the organization over an extended period of time. Contributions may be creative, administrative, financial, or educational, but should be significant in both scope and impact.
Nominations should describe the candidate’s qualifications in letter-form up to two (2) pages in length. Letters of nomination should also include:
The complete name, address, telephone number(s) (including area code) and email address for the candidate you are nominating.
Explain why you feel this candidate should be considered for induction in to the Crown Hall of Fame. Please limit your response to two (2) pages or less.
Please document:
3.A. The nominee’s background as part of TeamCROWN.
3.B. The nominee’s significant contributions to the progress of the organization.Include YOUR name, address, telephone number(s) (including area code) and email address.
No more than one nomination per year will be accepted from each individual. Groups are NOT eligible for nomination into the Hall of Fame. All nominations will be reviewed and voted on by the Hall of Fame Committee, which includes current members of the Crown Hall of Fame and selected Crown alumni.
Once all nominations have been submitted, “Finalists” will be posted on Crown social media platforms, and the Hall of Fame Committee will begin accepting and reviewing letters of support for the group of “Finalists”. Each “Finalist” must be supported by additional support letters describing the nominee’s qualifications. All of TeamCROWN is welcome to submit letters of support up to one (1) full page in length. Letters of support should be submitted via email to hof@carolinacrown.org.
Please note that nominations which do not adhere to the aforementioned nomination process may be disregarded at the discretion of the Hall of Fame Committee.
For more information on the Crown Hall of Fame, please contact hof@carolinacrown.org.
2025 Important Dates and Deadlines
March 1 - April 15: Hall of Fame announced and TeamCROWN may submit nominations
April 16 - 30: Hall of Fame Committee reviews all nominations, votes on and announces this year's "Finalists"
May 1 - 31: All of TeamCROWN may submit letters of support for the "Finalists"
June 1 - 15: Committee votes to select up to three inductees* for the Hall of Fame Class of 2025. (*unless extenuating circumstances)
June 21 (date tentative): Class of 2025 announced before the CrownLIVE event (location TBD)
July 27: Class of 2025 honored at a special NightBEAT reception and on the field during the event, Allegacy Stadium, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC